How to: List Installed Extensions on Azure DevOps
2 min readAug 19, 2021
This script and report list all Installed Extensions on the Azure DevOps organization
An original script is available on my GitHub repository. See below this script:
Let’s go understand each command used.
- PowerShell script will receive the following parameters:
- $PAT = Personal Access token to connect on Azure DevOps;
- $Organization = Organization URL to list all installed extensions on the Azure DevOps organization;
- $Connstr = connection string to Azure SQL Database that stores the report information. To create this report, it’s necessary to create previously a Azure SQL Server and Database and run a script below:
2. Installed Extensions List = uses this REST API to list all installed extensions on the Azure DevOps organization.
$UriInstalledExtensions = "$($Organization)/_apis/extensionmanagement/installedextensions?api-version=6.0-preview.1"$InstalledExtensionsResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $UriInstalledExtensions -Method get -Headers $AzureDevOpsAuthenicationHeader Foreach ($extension in $InstalledExtensionsResult.value)
Write-Host $extension.extensionName
3. After extract all Installed Extensions, this information is stored in a table in Azure SQL.
4. After insert information into a table, I connected this database on Power BI:
- Publisher Name (1) = Filter report using Publisher Name field;
- Installed Extensions Informations (2) = List all information about Installed Extensions (Extension Name, Publisher Name, and Version).